About the project

Although in some cases I’m using material painting programs such as Quixel, SP, etc., I decided to use Krita for most of my textures. Therefore I needed a fast way to export individual Krita Paint Layers as different RGBA channels. My plugin prepares all required Paint Layers and Groups for specific type of RGBA textures. Currently for my project I’m using custom channel mixing to achieve visuals I’m going for without sacrificing performance. Exporter manages export of Diffuse, Mask, Detail mask textures.

I was considering exporting textures directly to DDS format but since Unity3D has quite okay-ish UI for granular adjustments I decided against it. I might reconsider it for my next project to have even lower level of control.

I might add some additional ‘checks’ which will be triggered during export to make this plugin more user-friendly. For example notifying user if they try to export textures with different template than the one they originally set. (i.e. trying to export Diffuse but current layout is ready to be exported as Mask texture.)

Base functionality

Plugin has two types of buttons: Create new Layers and Export. Create new Layers: While empty document this button creates a new Paint Layers and categorize them to proper Layer Groups with predefined names. Export: Exports specific type of texture - Diffuse, Mask, Detail mask.

… : Export path. Plugin has a predefined path for specific project.
Create Diffuse Layers: Creates new Paint Layers and Layer Groups specific for Diffuse texture and fills them with black colour.
Create Mask Layers: Creates new Paint Layers and Layer Groups specific for Mask texture and fills them with black colour.
Create Detail Mask Layers: Creates new Paint Layers and Layer Groups specific for Detail mask texture and fills them with black colour.
Export Diffuse: Exports texture as Diffuse texture. If ALPHA Layer Group is kept, it’s exported with Alpha channel, otherwise Alpha channel is ignored.
Export Mask: Export texture as Mask texture. R - Metalness, G - Occlusion, B - Mask for detail map, A - Smoothness
Export Detail Mask: Export texture as Detail mask texture. R - Desaturate albedo, G - Smoothness, B - Detail normal mask

Link to repository: GitHub Link.